Encode a signmii
To generate a signmii, click on Encoder on your personal home page.
Generating 1 signmii costs 1 credit.
To buy credit units, click on the cart in the banner of your home page.
IMPORTANT: Always keep the original file and its signmii together on your system.
To obtain the SHA1 of a file, read Generate a SHA1.
Copy a SHA1 in the input field and press Encode. NOTE: Copy the exact text line of a SHA1 without spaces or a carriage return. When the system asks you to validate the operation, press Confirm to generate a signmii or Cancel. If you confirm the operation, 1 credit is debited from your account and the signmii for the SHA1 is displayed.
IMPORTANT: Select the entire content of the signmii and copy it in a text file on your disk.
Using the SHA1 of the word signmii:
$ echo -n signmii | sha1sum
Click in the signmii to select the whole text. Copy it and paste in a text file. Save this file together with the original file.
Save the image of the QR code with the signmii file. Use it to certify a content on a printed matter, on a website, in a mail, etc.
Scan the QR with a smartphone: